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Questions and Comments for Staff Senate


The Austin Peay State University Staff Senate’s vision is to create and maintain a diverse and inclusive community aimed at serving, representing, and advocating for staff while enhancing communication at all levels to improve the quality of life at the university.

The intent of this form is to allow staff to communicate questions and concerns with Staff Senate.

If your browser does not support web forms, send an e-mail to Staff Senate at staffsenate@goudounet.com

Provide a subject to briefly describe your message
Please provide above your full question or comment for Staff Senate
Would you like a response from Staff Senate?*
If you would like a response from Staff Senate, please select Yes above.
Do not provide your first name if you would like your submission to remain anonymous.
Do not provide your last name if you would like your submission to remain anonymous.
Do not provide an email if you would like your submission to remain anonymous.